Saints Alive Groups
The LIFE God Gives?


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Saints ALIVE Groups
Ponder The WORD, The Bible.
Sharing what we are learning about
our World - our Choices - our Belief

  • Intro to Saints ALIVE Groups

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    Saints Have LIFE?

    Why does LIFE seem so elusive, so often?
    Why do I (We) not, more often, talk about the "Abundant LIFE" Jesus claimed to give us?

    Imagine with me, Adam and Eve (I, you) are standing talking to God just before they leave the Garden of Eden.

    They are confused, afraid, alive, but not ALIVE,
    as they used to be. Feeling swept along not knowing what to think, say or believe about either themselves or the GOD they once knew.

    They vaguely recall the PERFECTION that surrounded them. They do not understand the significance of the DECEPTION they just experienced. Neither do they comprehend the RUIN that has come upon them or the RESCUE of the new clothes GOD has given them. They are uncertain about what they are BELIEVING.

    GOD is thinking, but probably not telling them:
    I AM going to write to you over and over again throughout your life, guiding you about the CHOICES you have faced, and will face every day in the WORLD where you live. Just as you are now challenged, you will be challenged every day to CHOOSE who and what you will BELIEVE. If you want the LIFE I can give you, you will BELIEVE and share, what I will WRITE to you in the BIBLE.

  • Saints Learn Together

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    For a Small Group
    1. Form a small group of friends and send them a group text with a verse to read and ponder over and over during the week.
    2. Each person text the group with something like:
    "I am reading the verse, Praying for you, Pray for me,
    3. as God prompts them each person share what the verse is challenging or encouraging them
    believe about our world and our choices.

    Don't make the posts too long but simply SHARE what God is teaching you as you ponder together a verse over the week.

  • What Saints Learn

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    Beginning in Genesis 1-3 and
    throughout the whole Bible we can learn about

    OUR / MY WORLD !?

    - GOD, Creation, Word (Jesus, Bible, LIFE)
    - Lies about all Perfections
    - Believing Lies ruins Perfections
    - God rescues those who Believe Him
    - Gives them LIFE in place of Death!


    I choose over and over every day to believe
    God's perspective or my perspective regarding:
    - What is my Best Life?
    - What are my Hopes and Dreams?
    - Whose Rules do I live by?
    - What are my Truth Sources?
    - What and Who is my Church?
    - What is nature, source, cure of Evil?
    - What Am I?
    - What and Who are my Gods?
    - What and Who are my Saviors?

    I Am Believing either God or Lies
    "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief"


all content by J Neil Evans
Rapid Weaver - Foundation 6 — ©2025