Why I Quit
"Come Follow Me"?
"Come Follow Me - Book of Mormon"
I originally explained my motive for reading and blogging through the Come Follow Me - Book of Mormon this way:
"To better understand the perspective of my LDS friends I will be reading through the Book of Mormon in 2024 following the schedule of their "Come Follow Me" study guide. I will seek to understand both the claim of correctness and the full gospel of the Book of Mormon, and compare those things to what I read in the Bible."
This year I have read and blogged through the first nine of the fifteen books of the Book of Mormon. In that process I have read all the Book of Mormon in both the First Edition 1830 and a 1981 Edition. I have been seeking to evaluate Joseph Smith's claim that "The Book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding its precepts than any other book." and the statement in the LDS Doctrine and Covenants 20:8,9 which says: “the Book of Mormon; … contains the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ…”
With honesty and sincerity I must say that I have found nothing that leads me to believe that either of these claims are accurate. In fact I have found historical, geographical, and Biblical inaccuracies in the texts of the Book of Mormon. And just as significant I find little, if any, "plain and precious" doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Gospel "fully described" in the pages of the Book of Mormon.
My blog comments have been countered by reference to the statements of LDS authorities and personal testimonies rather than to evaluations of the actual text of the Book of Mormon itself. The text of the CFM workbook reveals that what the authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints say about the Book of Mormon (and all the other LDS Scripture) is considered more signifiant than what the texts themselves actually say. LDS Church authorities, rather than the scripture texts themselves are the final authority for LDS belief and practice.
Therefore to continue to document my personal reading and evaluation of the Book of Mormon seems inconsequential. Additionally, there are other resources available to anyone sincerely interested in a thorough examination of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I believe it is much more important that I spend my time with what is my real passion, namely reading and writing about common religious words in their Biblical context.
I will leave the "Come Follow Me - Book of Mormon" blog page on the website for anyone who wishes to read each weeks Book of Mormon chapter summaries and workbook topics. While previous posts include my perspective regarding the accuracy of the Book of Mormon I will not be adding any more of my comments to the page.
I do sincerely love my LDS friends and I am concerned about not only their eternal lives, but also about how Mormons are viewed and understood by others. I will be adding a page ("Examining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints") with brief references to other websites which honestly and graciously address these matters much better than I do.
Please email me if you have questions about this website
all content by J Neil Evans
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