Reading thru the Book of Mormon?

through "Come Follow Me - The Book of Mormon"
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Book of Mormon chapter summaries
and workbook topics
As you read the Book of Mormon
Be sure to think about
how each week's reading
fulfills the claims made about the Book

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
has called the Book of Mormon
"the most correct book on earth"
"the keystone of the LDS Religion"
the book which
"would get a man nearer to God than any other book."

It is claimed that the Book of Mormon contains:
"The Fullness of the Gospel, the Restored Gospel,"
"Plain and Precious" Gospel truths such as:
Heavenly Father is an exalted Man - Three separate Gods -
Our Pre-Mortal existence as spirit children -
Faithfully doing all we can to receive God's Grace -
Three Kingdoms of Glory - Church Organization -
Present Day Apostles, Seers, Revelators - Personal Revelation -
Eternal Life is Exaltation like God -
Temple Endowments, Sealings, Baptisms for the dead, Marriage -
and numerous other essential doctrines lost or rejected by
the "apostate churches."
I challenge you to carefully look for these things
as you read through the Book of Mormon.


Alma 53-63

Chapter summaries by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
Alma 53 The Lamanite prisoners are used to fortify the city Bountiful—Dissensions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanite victories—Helaman takes command of the two thousand stripling sons of the people of Ammon. About 64–63 B.C.
Alma 54 Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the exchange of prisoners—Moroni demands that the Lamanites withdraw and cease their murderous attacks—Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their arms and become subject to the Lamanites. About 63 B.C.
Alma 55 Moroni refuses to exchange prisoners—The Lamanite guards are enticed to become drunk, and the Nephite prisoners are freed—The city of Gid is taken without bloodshed. About 63–62 B.C.
Alma 56 Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni, recounting the state of the war with the Lamanites—Antipus and Helaman gain a great victory over the Lamanites—Helaman’s two thousand stripling sons fight with miraculous power, and none of them are slain. Verse 1, about 62 B.C.; verses 2–19, about 66 B.C.; and verses 20–57, about 65–64 B.C.
Alma 57 Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni—His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly; all are wounded, but none are slain—Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners. About 63 B.C.
Alma 58 Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the city of Manti by a stratagem—The Lamanites withdraw—The sons of the people of Ammon are preserved as they stand fast in defense of their liberty and faith. About 63–62 B.C.
Alma 59 Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the forces of Helaman—The Lamanites take the city of Nephihah—Moroni is angry with the government. About 62 B.C.
Alma 60 Moroni complains to Pahoran of the government’s neglect of the armies—The Lord suffers the righteous to be slain—The Nephites must use all of their power and means to deliver themselves from their enemies—Moroni threatens to fight against the government unless help is supplied to his armies. About 62 B.C.
Alma 61 Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection and rebellion against the government—The king-men take Zarahemla and are in league with the Lamanites—Pahoran asks for military aid against the rebels. About 62 B.C.
Alma 62 Moroni marches to the aid of Pahoran in the land of Gideon—The king-men who refuse to defend their country are put to death—Pahoran and Moroni retake Nephihah—Many Lamanites join the people of Ammon—Teancum slays Ammoron and is in turn slain—The Lamanites are driven from the land, and peace is established—Helaman returns to the ministry and builds up the Church. About 62–57 B.C.
Alma 63 Shiblon and later Helaman take possession of the sacred records—Many Nephites travel to the land northward—Hagoth builds ships, which sail forth in the west sea—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites in battle. About 56–52 B.C.

CFM Week Theme: Preserved By His Marvelous Power
>JNE: (Observations by J Neil Evans)
CFM: Having faith in God helps me overcome fear
>JNE: Can people have faith in a false God?
CFM: Followers of Jesus Christ are not easily offended
>JNE: Can people have confidence in wrong leaders?
CFM: I have a responsibility to lift people around me
>JNE: To what (or whom) should we lift people around us?
CFM: If I am humble, life's challenges can turn my heart to God