Reading thru the Book of Mormon?

through "Come Follow Me - The Book of Mormon"
You can still read below each weeks
Book of Mormon chapter summaries
and workbook topics
As you read the Book of Mormon
Be sure to think about
how each week's reading
fulfills the claims made about the Book

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
has called the Book of Mormon
"the most correct book on earth"
"the keystone of the LDS Religion"
the book which
"would get a man nearer to God than any other book."

It is claimed that the Book of Mormon contains:
"The Fullness of the Gospel, the Restored Gospel,"
"Plain and Precious" Gospel truths such as:
Heavenly Father is an exalted Man - Three separate Gods -
Our Pre-Mortal existence as spirit children -
Faithfully doing all we can to receive God's Grace -
Three Kingdoms of Glory - Church Organization -
Present Day Apostles, Seers, Revelators - Personal Revelation -
Eternal Life is Exaltation like God -
Temple Endowments, Sealings, Baptisms for the dead, Marriage -
and numerous other essential doctrines lost or rejected by
the "apostate churches."
I challenge you to carefully look for these things
as you read through the Book of Mormon.


Helaman 13-16?

Chapter summaries by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
Helaman 13 Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 14 Samuel predicts light during the night and a new star at Christ’s birth—Christ redeems men from temporal and spiritual death—The signs of His death include three days of darkness, the rending of the rocks, and great upheavals of nature. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 15 The Lord chastened the Nephites because He loved them—Converted Lamanites are firm and steadfast in the faith—The Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites in the latter days. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 16 The Nephites who believe Samuel are baptized by Nephi—Samuel cannot be slain with the arrows and stones of the unrepentant Nephites—Some harden their hearts, and others see angels—The unbelievers say it is not reasonable to believe in Christ and His coming in Jerusalem. About 6–1 B.C.
CFM: (Come Follow Me - Study Guide Topics)
CFM Week Theme: Glad Tidings of Great Joy
>JNE: (Observations by J Neil Evans)
CFM: The Lord gives warnings through His prophets
>JNE: Do true prophets give false warnings?
CFM: God invites me to repent
>JNE: Invites or commands?
CFM: God sent signs and wonders to testify of the Savior's birth and death
>JNE: Were there any eyewitnesses in the ancient Americas to the signs of wonders of the Savior's birth and death?
CFM: Chastening from the Lord is a sign of His love
>JNE: How do I know something is chastening from the Lord?
CFM: Prophets point me to Jesus Christ
>JNE: As long as they are true prophets of God. There have always been self-proclaimed (and acclaimed by others) prophets who point to false things. The challenge is to determine which prophets are true and which are false.