Reading thru the Book of Mormon?

through "Come Follow Me - The Book of Mormon"
You can still read below each weeks
Book of Mormon chapter summaries
and workbook topics
As you read the Book of Mormon
Be sure to think about
how each week's reading
fulfills the claims made about the Book

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
has called the Book of Mormon
"the most correct book on earth"
"the keystone of the LDS Religion"
the book which
"would get a man nearer to God than any other book."

It is claimed that the Book of Mormon contains:
"The Fullness of the Gospel, the Restored Gospel,"
"Plain and Precious" Gospel truths such as:
Heavenly Father is an exalted Man - Three separate Gods -
Our Pre-Mortal existence as spirit children -
Faithfully doing all we can to receive God's Grace -
Three Kingdoms of Glory - Church Organization -
Present Day Apostles, Seers, Revelators - Personal Revelation -
Eternal Life is Exaltation like God -
Temple Endowments, Sealings, Baptisms for the dead, Marriage -
and numerous other essential doctrines lost or rejected by
the "apostate churches."
I challenge you to carefully look for these things
as you read through the Book of Mormon.


3Nephi 12-16?

Chapter summaries by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
3 Nephi 12 Jesus calls and commissions the twelve disciples—He delivers to the Nephites a discourse similar to the Sermon on the Mount—He speaks the Beatitudes—His teachings transcend and take precedence over the law of Moses—Men are commanded to be perfect even as He and His Father are perfect—Compare Matthew 5. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 13 Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lord’s Prayer—They are to lay up treasures in heaven—The twelve disciples in their ministry are commanded to take no thought for temporal things—Compare Matthew 6. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 14 Jesus commands: Judge not; ask of God; beware of false prophets—He promises salvation to those who do the will of the Father—Compare Matthew 7. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 15 Jesus announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled in Him—The Nephites are the other sheep of whom He spoke in Jerusalem—Because of iniquity, the Lord’s people in Jerusalem do not know of the scattered sheep of Israel. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 16 Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep of Israel—In the latter days the gospel will go to the Gentiles and then to the house of Israel—The Lord’s people will see eye to eye when He brings again Zion. About A.D. 34
CFM: (Come Follow Me - Study Guide Topics)
CFM Week Theme: I Am The Law, And The Light
>JNE: (Observations by J Neil Evans)
CFM: I can be a true disciple of Jesus Christ
>JNE: Can a person be a false disciple of Jesus Christ?
CFM: Blessed are those who believe without seeing
>JNE: How many people alive today have seen Jesus
CFM: I can strive to purify the desires of my heart
>JNE: Many people strive but I know of no one who has accomplished it.
CFM: Heavenly Father will give me good things as I ask, seek and know
>JNE: How often do we ask with wrong motives?