Reading thru the Book of Mormon?

through "Come Follow Me - The Book of Mormon"
You can still read below each weeks
Book of Mormon chapter summaries
and workbook topics
As you read the Book of Mormon
Be sure to think about
how each week's reading
fulfills the claims made about the Book

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
has called the Book of Mormon
"the most correct book on earth"
"the keystone of the LDS Religion"
the book which
"would get a man nearer to God than any other book."

It is claimed that the Book of Mormon contains:
"The Fullness of the Gospel, the Restored Gospel,"
"Plain and Precious" Gospel truths such as:
Heavenly Father is an exalted Man - Three separate Gods -
Our Pre-Mortal existence as spirit children -
Faithfully doing all we can to receive God's Grace -
Three Kingdoms of Glory - Church Organization -
Present Day Apostles, Seers, Revelators - Personal Revelation -
Eternal Life is Exaltation like God -
Temple Endowments, Sealings, Baptisms for the dead, Marriage -
and numerous other essential doctrines lost or rejected by
the "apostate churches."
I challenge you to carefully look for these things
as you read through the Book of Mormon.


3Nephi 20-26

Chapter summaries by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
3 Nephi 20 Jesus provides bread and wine miraculously and again administers the sacrament unto the people—The remnant of Jacob will come to the knowledge of the Lord their God and will inherit the Americas—Jesus is the prophet like unto Moses, and the Nephites are children of the prophets—Others of the Lord’s people will be gathered to Jerusalem. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 21 Israel will be gathered when the Book of Mormon comes forth—The Gentiles will be established as a free people in America—They will be saved if they believe and obey; otherwise, they will be cut off and destroyed—Israel will build the New Jerusalem, and the lost tribes will return. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 22 In the last days, Zion and her stakes will be established, and Israel will be gathered in mercy and tenderness—They will triumph—Compare Isaiah 54. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 23 Jesus approves the words of Isaiah—He commands the people to search the prophets—The words of Samuel the Lamanite concerning the Resurrection are added to their records. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 24 The Lord’s messenger will prepare the way for the Second Coming—Christ will sit in judgment—Israel is commanded to pay tithes and offerings—A book of remembrance is kept—Compare Malachi 3. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 25 At the Second Coming, the proud and wicked will be burned as stubble—Elijah will return before that great and dreadful day—Compare Malachi 4. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi 26 Jesus expounds all things from the beginning to the end—Babes and children utter marvelous things that cannot be written—Those in the Church of Christ have all things in common among them. About A.D. 34.
CFM: (Come Follow Me - Study Guide Topics)
CFM Week Theme: Ye Are The Children Of The Covenant
>JNE: (Observations by J Neil Evans)
CFM: In the latter days, God will perform a marvelous work
>JNE: Has not God always done "marvelous work?"
CFM: God is merciful to people who return to Him
>JNE: Does anyone come to God if they are not "drawn by Him?"
CFM: Recording spiritual experiences can bless my family
>JNE: It can only be true blessings if the spiritual experiences are truly Biblical. There are many untrue spiritual experiences in our world.
CFM: The Savior wants me to search the scriptures
>JNE: Why then do LDS spend most of the time searching the words and writings of LDS Church authorities?
CFM: Paying tithing opens the windows of heaven
>JNE: Why then are there many people who pay tithes yet do not see the "windows of heaven open" to them?
CFM: The Lord sent Elijah to turn my heart to my ancestors
>JNE: To your ancestors, or to the good relationship the Jews ancestors had with God?