Is Anything Too Hard For The LORD??
Genesis 18:13 The Context: Sarah, Abraham’s aged wife, was behind a door and overheard God promise Abraham that they would have a son in their old age. She laughed at the seeming impossibility. We laugh for various reasons; humor, embarrassment, nervousness, ridicule, unbelief. Sarah laughed for unbelief. More than anything else Sarah wanted a baby and now when their child bearing years were long past and the hope had died, God taunts them with an impossible promise. “Sure, like that’s gonna happen,” was her response.
God Asks Us… "Why did Sarah laugh and say, shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old? Is anything too hard for the LORD?"
jne: Are there things that I have longed for that I have lost hope of ever coming to pass? What are some things that I am believing are too hard for the LORD? Do I realize that God hears and knows everything I say and even think about? Do I realize that God wants me to include and trust Him in everything?