Are You Not Willing To Serve?
Exodus 4:14 The Context: Moses continued to make excuses why he could not lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God finally said, okay, then I’ll ask your brother Aaron to accompany you and speak for you and Me.
God Asks Us: to Moses: Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses and he said, Is there not Aaron your brother, the Levite? I know he can speak well.
JNE: God always has His way. We may refuse His requests, but God will accomplish His will working around us if necessary. God sometimes, probably often, uses His second and third choices to serve Him. Finding gifted people is not nearly as hard for God as finding submissive, willing people who are glad for God to get all the credit and glory.
Is there something God is asking me to do that I don’t feel particularly gifted to do but know people I could get to help me? If a job is one I can easily do by myself perhaps it is something someone else could do. If I don’t need the help of God and others it may not even be worth doing.