Why Have You Fallen On Your Face?
Joshua 7:10 The Context: Joshua and the Jews had a stunning victory at Jericho. It looked like conquering the promised land might not be so difficult after all. They moved on the the small village of Ai and were soundly defeated. Joshua didn’t know yet that their defeat was because of the sin of one man. In the defeat Joshua saw the Jew’s and God’s reputation in ruins.
So God spoke firmly to Joshua and in essence told him that he had forgotten both the command to conquer and the promise of God’s presence. Then God revealed to Joshua both the sin of Achan and the remedy.
God Asks Us: to Joshua… (after defeat at Ai) Get up! Why have you fallen on your face?
jne: Most of us are probably more familiar with defeat than with victory in our lives. Whether the reason for defeat is the sin of others or of our own doing, the solution is to remember the command and presence of God, to pick ourselves up, repent of our sin and forgetfulness and continue on in obedience and trust in our ever present God.
Dear God, thank you that I can’t hide my sin from you. And, thank you that you know how the sin of others affects my life. What defeat am I discouraged about that I need to discern the reason and remember God’s power and presence, and get back in the battle.