Pondering Questions God Asks in The Bible?


Have You An Arm Like God?

Job 40:9,24 41:1,4,10 The Context:
Job was a Godly man who God allowed Satan to test his faithfulness with unbearable suffering. Job never turned against God, but he certainly questioned God’s love and care of him and his family. His questions were serious doubts about God’s Divine character. In response, God began to ask Job some questions about the difference between God and man. God used Behemoth and Leviathan, as examples of giant land and sea creatures that were certainly uncontrollable and untamable by man.
God asks us: Have you an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?
Job 40:24 of Behemoth, Can one take him by his eyes, or pierce his nose with a snare?
41:1 Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook…?
41:4 Will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever?
41:10,11 Who then is he who can stand before me? Who has first given to me, that I should repay him?
JNE: Who do I think I am to actually challenge God. If God is GOD (and Job and I believe He is) He alone has the wisdom and power to lead the path of my life. As powerful and wise as I might think I am, I in NO WAY can claim to be equal to GOD our Creator. GOD is the Only One You and I, with Job, can trust with every detail, good and bad, of our lives.


It is easy to read the Bible and see only stories and rules. Even if a person can see the Bible as a revelation of Who God is and what He is like it can be difficult to fully realize that in the Bible God invites us to the amazing adventure of an eternal and perfect relationship with Him.

How often do we wish we could ask God questions and have Him give us a plain answer? God, why did You let my father die? God, why am I not getting well? God, why aren’t my plans working? And the questions go on and on and on. The questions aren’t always doubting or complaining, but sometimes simply curiosity. I assume that it is a surprise to most of us that in the Bible God asks us more than 500 questions.

Why does God ask us questions? Surely if God is GOD He knows the answer to all His questions. God does not need us to inform Him of our circumstances, thoughts or motives. God’s questions are always in a context and the reason for them is to prompt us to think more seriously about our lives. So really, the reason God asks us questions is because He cares so much about us.

More than just seeking to probe what we know or think, God's questions can:
>> motivate our curiosity.
>> prompt us to reevaluate the way we think and behave.
>> help us see things from a different perspective.
>> help us dig deeper into really important issues.
>> help us discover what we truly believe.
>> demonstrate that God is dynamically interested in us.
God asks us questions because He wants us to grow.
How important are God’s questions to you?


all content by J Neil Evans
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