Am I A Religious Hypocrite?
Psalm 50:13,16 The Context: God is The Judge of all the earth; The owner of all the earth; There is nothing we can give Him for He owns it all. He doesn’t need the offering of bulls and goats, they are His for the taking. The problem was (and is) not that they were not religious enough, offering enough sacrifices or offerings. They spoke often of their love for God and claimed to obey Him. BUT they hated God’s discipline and lived sinful lives forgetting the very God they often spoke about. Challenging them to realize their hypocrisies God asked the questions …
God Asks Us: Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats? … But to the wicked God says: What right have you to recite my statutes or take my covenant on your lips?
jne: When I say one thing while doing another it is not just hypocritical before other people, but far worse before God. Especially when my worship and declarations of obedience to Him are mere words. What makes me think I can claim to be a Christian and not act like one? What makes me think that going to church, putting money in an offering plate, singing Christian songs, being baptized, taking communion, and doing other religious things earns me the right to claim God’s righteousness, grace and mercy when I forget God in all the rest of my life? Only a heart of thanksgiving and a life of obedience truly honors God and knows His Salvation.