Pondering Questions God Asks in The Bible?


What Has God Done Wrong?

Jeremiah 2:5,6
The Context: God called Jeremiah to speak to His people in the latter days of Judah’s existence. Through Jeremiah God would “declare my judgments against them, for all their evil in forsaking me.” Enemies threatened Judah on every side and they couldn’t figure why God was not helping them. They thought that simply being “God’s Chosen People” entitled them to God’s blessings. Being surrounded by the ceremonial reminders of God’s powerful faithfulness hadn’t made them faithful.
God Asks Us: Thus says the Lord: “What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless? 6 They did not say, ‘Where is the Lord who brought us up from the land of Egypt, who led us in the wilderness, in a land of deserts and pits, in a land of drought and deep darkness, in a land that none passes through, where no man dwells?
jne: Why do nations, churches, and people who have known God’s goodness become unfaithful to Him? God’s question is tongue-in-cheek, because it cannot be that anyone actually finds something that God did wrong in saving and rescuing us in all our past. In fact the first step in our unfaithfulness is forgetting (or ignoring) God’s powerful faithfulness in our past. What can I remember and ponder of God’s past faithfulness to me?


It is easy to read the Bible and see only stories and rules. Even if a person can see the Bible as a revelation of Who God is and what He is like it can be difficult to fully realize that in the Bible God invites us to the amazing adventure of an eternal and perfect relationship with Him.

How often do we wish we could ask God questions and have Him give us a plain answer? God, why did You let my father die? God, why am I not getting well? God, why aren’t my plans working? And the questions go on and on and on. The questions aren’t always doubting or complaining, but sometimes simply curiosity. I assume that it is a surprise to most of us that in the Bible God asks us more than 500 questions.

Why does God ask us questions? Surely if God is GOD He knows the answer to all His questions. God does not need us to inform Him of our circumstances, thoughts or motives. God’s questions are always in a context and the reason for them is to prompt us to think more seriously about our lives. So really, the reason God asks us questions is because He cares so much about us.

More than just seeking to probe what we know or think, God's questions can:
>> motivate our curiosity.
>> prompt us to reevaluate the way we think and behave.
>> help us see things from a different perspective.
>> help us dig deeper into really important issues.
>> help us discover what we truly believe.
>> demonstrate that God is dynamically interested in us.
God asks us questions because He wants us to grow.
How important are God’s questions to you?


all content by J Neil Evans
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