Do You See What They Are Doing?
Ezekiel 8:6,12,15 The Context: Ezekiel was a Priest and a Prophet of God in the final years of Judah. God appeared to Ezekiel in a variety of visions. Here God takes Ezekiel on a spiritual tour of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Jews were proud of being the People of God but they had wandered very far from Him. They eagerly tried the many heathen gods of the nations around them. They wondered with complaint why God was not rescuing them from the surrounding enemies. God called Ezekiel to deliver a message of impending punishment from the God they had forsaken.
God Asks Us: And he said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel are committing here, to drive me far from my sanctuary? But you will see still greater abominations.”
jne: Sometimes we think a nation, a group, or an individual can’t get any worse in turning their back on God. The shame they bring on God and themselves gets worse and worse till we think God must stop them. But they do go deeper in their disregard. And God waits. God waits patiently either for their repentance or for the awful time of their judgment. When God doesn’t seem to be punishing our rebellion don’t think we are getting away with it and can go on sinning without consequence. We have only two options for our future, either God’s mercy in our repentance or His judgment in our rebellion.