Where Is Your King?
Hosea 13:10 The Context: When God led the Jews into the Promised Land, He was their King. In spite of God’s blessings they wanted a human king like the nations around them. God gave them human kings and the people joined the kings in rebellion against God. They kept thinking that if they just had the right king their troubles would be resolved. They blindly and proudly ignored the warnings of prophets like Hosea and loved their own wayward agendas rather than loving the God Who loved them so wonderfully.
God Asks us: “Where now is your king to save you in all your cities? … those of whom you said, “give me a king and princes”?”
JNE: Like God’s People of old, we tend to think (and behave) like our way is better than God’s way. We, like them, imagine that if we just had the right leaders (who did things our way) our lives would be better. What does it take for us to realize that our problems are a result of our wayward hearts not our poor leaders. We usually get the leaders we deserve.