Pondering Questions God Asks in The Bible?


What Does The Lord Require of You?

24020 Micah 6:7,8 The Context: This week’s question may not technically be a question God asks us, but it is one that God through the prophet Micah prompts us to ponder. The Jews considered themselves special in God’s eyes because they had built a Temple and had offered untold numbers of sacrifices there. They kept the commandments meticulously, although most of the time it was with their hands and not their hearts.
God had seemed to bless them with His providential rescues so many times, even during their half-hearted obedience. Micah was warning that like the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Judah and beloved Jerusalem was about to suffer the same judgment. So Micah says think about it:
God Asks Us: Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” :8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
jne: Micah is asking: Can any number of sacrifices, offerings, or ceremonies, no matter how valuable, actually earn God’s forgiveness for the sinful condition of my heart? I have the tendency to be confident of my religious ceremonies, I am equally proud of my sense of justice and kindness. This tendency only reveals the lack of humility I have before God. To believe that I could earn or deserve God’s love and forgiveness by anything I do or say or think only reveals my lack of humility before God. It reveals how little I truly understand about either the awfulness of my sin or the amazing desire and willingness of God to make the sacrifice necessary for my forgiveness.


It is easy to read the Bible and see only stories and rules. Even if a person can see the Bible as a revelation of Who God is and what He is like it can be difficult to fully realize that in the Bible God invites us to the amazing adventure of an eternal and perfect relationship with Him.

How often do we wish we could ask God questions and have Him give us a plain answer? God, why did You let my father die? God, why am I not getting well? God, why aren’t my plans working? And the questions go on and on and on. The questions aren’t always doubting or complaining, but sometimes simply curiosity. I assume that it is a surprise to most of us that in the Bible God asks us more than 500 questions.

Why does God ask us questions? Surely if God is GOD He knows the answer to all His questions. God does not need us to inform Him of our circumstances, thoughts or motives. God’s questions are always in a context and the reason for them is to prompt us to think more seriously about our lives. So really, the reason God asks us questions is because He cares so much about us.

More than just seeking to probe what we know or think, God's questions can:
>> motivate our curiosity.
>> prompt us to reevaluate the way we think and behave.
>> help us see things from a different perspective.
>> help us dig deeper into really important issues.
>> help us discover what we truly believe.
>> demonstrate that God is dynamically interested in us.
God asks us questions because He wants us to grow.
How important are God’s questions to you?


all content by J Neil Evans
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