Do You Believe I Am Able?
Matthew 9:28 The Context: Two blind men crying “Have mercy on us Son of David,” followed Jesus into a house. When they answered “yes” to Jesus’ question He touched their eyes and healed them.
Jesus knew their hearts and whether they truly believed. He wanted them to think about and realize that the circumstance was not simply a request to have a need met, but a deep deep recognition and conviction that Jesus really was wonderfully and powerfully different.
God Asks Us: When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
JNE: When I ask God to do things for me do I really believe that He Alone is capable of not only knowing what is best for me but also of altering the regular course of nature to accomplish it. Do I realize that most of my requests of God are not simply to do one thing for me, but for Him to move many things to accomplish it? Think of all the eye muscles, nerves, fluids, tissues, lenses, etc. etc. God fixed to restore their sight. What kind of God does it take to meet our needs and answer our requests?