Pondering Questions God Asks in The Bible?


How Long Will I Not Believe?

How Long Will I Not Believe?
25009 QGA
Numbers 14:11 The Context: The Israelites had just dramatically rebelled at the report of the spies that the land God had promised them was unconquerable. They refused to believe Joshua and Caleb that God could defeat the great armies of their promised land. They wanted to kill the messengers of God's greatness. God responded with anger at their unbelief and asked the question:

God asks us: Numbers 14:11 to Moses… How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them?
Numbers 14:26 to Moses… How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against me?

jne: The Israelites had just finished several years of seeing some of the most miraculous, interventions of God that mankind has ever seen. God had so powerfully and patiently worked with them to bring them to the place where they could enter the promised land. But they complained.
Before I am too critical of them I need to remember the times I have doubted God's care for me, even consciously, and sometimes out loud. The truth is that I get far more loving care from God than I deserve. While I am ashamed to use the words, despise and unbelief are not incorrect of the way I respond to God in some of the challenges where I feel God isn't doing all that I think He should.
Just sitting here in my warm home in the middle of winter, I should more readily recognize the things God is doing in my life. LORD, please help me notice and thank You more readily and more often for the "signs" of Your powerful love with which you surround me.


It is easy to read the Bible and see only stories and rules. Even if a person can see the Bible as a revelation of Who God is and what He is like it can be difficult to fully realize that in the Bible God invites us to the amazing adventure of an eternal and perfect relationship with Him.

How often do we wish we could ask God questions and have Him give us a plain answer? God, why did You let my father die? God, why am I not getting well? God, why aren’t my plans working? And the questions go on and on and on. The questions aren’t always doubting or complaining, but sometimes simply curiosity. I assume that it is a surprise to most of us that in the Bible God asks us more than 500 questions.

Why does God ask us questions? Surely if God is GOD He knows the answer to all His questions. God does not need us to inform Him of our circumstances, thoughts or motives. God’s questions are always in a context and the reason for them is to prompt us to think more seriously about our lives. So really, the reason God asks us questions is because He cares so much about us.

More than just seeking to probe what we know or think, God's questions can:
>> motivate our curiosity.
>> prompt us to reevaluate the way we think and behave.
>> help us see things from a different perspective.
>> help us dig deeper into really important issues.
>> help us discover what we truly believe.
>> demonstrate that God is dynamically interested in us.
God asks us questions because He wants us to grow.
How important are God’s questions to you?


all content by J Neil Evans
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