Who Made Mans Mouth?
Exodus 4:11 The Context: God had asked Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised land. Moses explained that he was not eloquent but slow of speech and tongue…” God then asked Moses where he thought his inadequacies came from.
God knew perfectly all of Moses abilities and inabilities. God had given everything that Moses considered good or bad. God wasn’t asking Moses because of the abilities He saw in Moses. God asked Moses not because of what he was but because of who he could be in submission to God.
God Asks Us: to Moses … who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
jne: Do I ever refuse to do something that God is asking me to do because I know I don’t have the abilities? Or from a different angle, what are some things God has done through me that I knew it was His doing and not mine? What joys of service might I be missing because I focus on my inabilities rather than on God’s abilities. Maybe God gave me my weaknesses precisely so I might depend on Him rather than myself.