Why Do You Seek to Get Rid of Me?
John 7:19 The Context: Some religious leaders were questioning Jesus’ teaching, ridiculing him because he didn’t have their “learning.” Jesus responded that while they sought their own glory, he was seeking the glory of God, who sent him. Then Jesus, as he so often did, cut to the core of the issue saying: (I paraphrase)
God Asks Us: “you claim to have the Law of Moses, but none of your keep it. And, you don’t simply wish to silence me, why do you seek to kill and get rid of me?”
JNE: There are three common stages of opposing Jesus’ words. 1. Belittle their knowledge and intelligence. 2. Think our superior understanding has dealt effectively with the issue. 3. Get ready for the coup-de-grace (conquer Him and all His followers). If we really think this is effective we only: 1: Reveal our own misunderstanding of the real issues of life. 2. Blindly reveal that we do not live the way we claim to live (our own hypocrisy). 3. Reveal our own real motives (seek our own glory). Such thinking is grounded in prideful arrogance. God’s perspective is the one we should always seek. All other perspectives have awful endings.
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