Aaronic Priests?

25022 L
Exodus 28:1, 28
 “Then bring near to you Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the people of Israel, to serve me as priests—Aaron and Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar
Read the context: Exodus 28-40

? Did God intend for anyone other than Aarons sons to be Aaronic priests?
? What do these chapters say about the garments priests are to wear?
? Were they public for people to see or private and hidden from public view?
? What should we think about people who claim to be priests yet do not conform to these descriptions?

jne: Many of the religions of the world have "priests." Some religions claim to be Christian and to follow the Bible and to have "priests" yet either ignore or alter these Bible descriptions of "priests." They have "priests" who are not "sons of Aaron," and not Jews. I know of no Christian "priests" who wear priestly "garments" as described in Exodus 28-40.
It seems a reasonable conclusion that while they may claim to have priests, they may not legitimately claim to be either Biblical or Christian.

all content by J Neil Evans
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