"Come Follow Me?"
What is it?


“Come, Follow Me” is a publication of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They publish a “Scripture” study workbook for their worldwide members every year.
From the introduction to the Come, Follow Me workbook: … the workbook “is an important part of both your personal study and your preparation to teach . It will help you gain a deeper understanding of the doctrinal principles found in the scriptures. It will also enable you to inspire others … and enhance their personal and family scripture study.”

Each year they go through one of what what the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints considers their various "Scriptures." (2021-Doctrine and Covenants / 2022-Old Testament / 2023-New Testament / 2024-Book of Mormon) Each week the workbook will use different portions to lead their members to deeper understanding and commitment to what they believe to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They “Teach the Doctrine” giving suggestions regarding specific LDS doctrinal principles. Each study includes numerous references to LDS resources.

FROM MY PERSPECTIVE, "Come Follow Me" is what Jesus said when He called His disciples to be "fishers of men." But the phrase is much more fundamental when we realize that GOD was calling Adam and Eve to follow Him in the beginning of the Bible. But the Bible story is one of "come follow me" being called by Satan, Eve, and a history full other deceptive calls. In fact our lives are full of people calling us to follow them for all sorts of ideas and products. It is for this reason that we must take great care in what or who we follow.
Psalm 1 describes it well: "
Blessed it the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." Any study guide, preacher, organization, person or persons that lead us to follow them more than we follow "the law of the LORD (The Bible)" deserves significant suspicion. This is why I urge that Reading and Pondering the Bible itself is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than reading what I or anyone may write or say about it!

As I write following the reading schedule of the LDS "Come Follow Me" schedules, I seek to always consider that it is God Himself calling me to follow Him by seeking to filter everything through what the Bible itself says. And I beg you to do the same. I urge you to, be like the Bereans who, "
received the word with all eagerness examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so." (Acts 17:11) And so, may God bless you as you follow HIM, in HIS WORD "day and night."
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all content by J Neil Evans
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